Some programs let you create custom play lists. But only KingLister lets you find the exact song you want in less than a second. KingLister is the only tool you need to quickly build play lists. Search all your song folders for specific song titles, artists, years, or genres. Look for partial text matches within titles, or artist's names! Sort on any category. KingLister can do it all.
Do you have a list of songs you want to send to your MP3 player? How do you collect just those songs from all the MP3 files on your computer? With KingLister, all you have to do is right click on the play list name and select "create a song folder". Make up a new folder name and all the songs in that play list will be copied there. This makes transferring files to your MP3 player easy!
KingLister Offers
1) No limit on the number of songs you can have
2) Unlimited number of song folders
3) Any number of play lists
4) Search or sort by song, artist, year, decade, or genre
5) Partial text search- find any song *containing* specific text
6) Build folders of just the songs in a play list. Great for loading your mp3 player!
7) Auto lister builds play lists from boolean commands.
8) Always remembers what you were last doing the last time you ran it.
9) Unlimited undos and redos